Another new month, and this time I’m updating on my bullet journal while I’m still less than halfway through. I call that an achievement over my procrastinating tendencies. 😉 So what’s new this time?


June bullet journal spread

One major addition to my bullet journal is the instructions for using a French press for making hot and/or cold brew coffee. I am actually not a stickler for rules or procedures (heaven knows I’m anything but). But I wanted to get them right everytime without having to save whole pages out of blogs to my phone. Writing them down my style, clear and concise, made it easier for me. And I also included a handy table of ratios for perfect cups every time.

Weekly Running Tasks

running tasks

I got the idea from here as well as from several posts I’ve seen on the Bullet Journal Junkies group. It looks like a variation or derivative of the Alistair Method Future Log, something I have yet to do. I actually (and obviously) don’t have a lot to put here at the moment, but that doesn’t stop me from doing it on my bullet journal anyway. Anyway, that’s for the next week so I still have some time to fill that up.

Weekly Habit Tracker

weekly habit tracker

Now, I’ve done a Monthly Habit Tracker before (free printable here), but I only worked in 2 months and then lost steam. Before I commit to a whole month again, I figured I might as well try a bite-sized portion first. Hence, this weekly tracker here. Nothing complicated, just simple stuff I want to develop into real habits.

Pointed pen drills because it’s been more than a coupla months since I started pointed pen calligraphy and I seem to be stagnating. Oh, there’s been some improvement, but not nearly enough to satisfy me–I am my own harshest critic, I know. Mainly, I want to develop muscle memory and get rid of the shakes, especially on the upstrokes. I must work on that.

30-minute cardio (or just about any form of exercise really) because I’ve been steadily gaining weight for some time now. While I don’t look like a blimp just yet, my pants are all getting too tight for my tush, and I really have no intention of buying a whole new set of pants just to accommodate my added girth.

And last but definitely not the least, I really will try to get up at 6:30 am or earlier. I am admittedly more a night owl than a morning person, but you can only get away with tardiness at work so many times. *hides face*

So those are my updates for my personal bullet journal. I’m thinking about posting about the other from work, but probably later after I’ve properly done some much-needed shuffling around. Watch out for that! 😉


12 thoughts on “Bullet Journal June Update

  1. wow this is really cool. I love how to organize everything through your journal.. it is so detailed and I wish I can do the same.. I have attempted to make a journal to organize everything but ended up messing it all up.
    although I am a visual guy too and I find myself more productive if I write down everything I need to do in a day… that wake up sched though.. it ruins everything especially if I am not in the mood of waking up too early hahaha

  2. I like the way you do it than having a ready made template. Your goal to wake up early and do your plans are inspiring. I hope you be able to do those things. And I love your handwriting. It’s so neat. I used to journal a lot before. I have a journal actually but it is just inside the drawer. Poor thing.

  3. Keeping our schedule organized is more important. I don’t keep a journal but stick notes here and there. Your handwriting is nice. I love your calligraphy posts as well. 🙂

  4. I miss having a journal like yours. I used to do the same when I was in college but now that I’m working I only have a mini notebook or a paper where I write down my notes and to-dos. I like the 30-min cardio I need that too, Actually, I do have to wake up earlier as well. Goodluck love!

  5. If you follow all your defined rules you are just great. I can never ever stick to my own points of healthiness ?
    I have one exercise written on a magnetic slate,hanging on my wall since past 2 weeks now and in not even close to do it. Your journal is so cool.

  6. How time flies so fast! Can you believe it’s almsot half of the year?! Glad you posted about your Bullet Journal journey. I kinda wondered what happened to who utilized it during the start of the year since it is already June (my birthmonth yay) because I know so many people who switched to BuJo this yearz So I am glad you shared you are still on track as I might consider doing this at work and for personal stuff.

  7. I love how organized you are! Putting things in place and listing down goals also help me to figure out my daily actions and motivate me to work towards those goals. I’m also happy I got a French Press from the recent Starbucks event! Yay!

  8. I have lots of journals for almost everything but I love clunking my planner with a little bit of everything. I make great strides in the beginning and when I reviewed my endings, I am always disappointed haha I haven’t finished some of the most essential (workout/eating less rice). Anyway, I am inspired with your Bullet Journal and I will try it this July. It inspires me to make my planner more artsy!

  9. Wow! This is awesome. I have the same journal too but I only end up using the month calendar where I plot in our events and activities. How I wish I have the time to be this organized too. I’m sure it’ll do wonders and I’m going to be more productive. You inspire me. Plus, with your weekly habit tracker. I’ll try that too in July so I can do more blog posts and study more.

  10. Yes, organizing one’s work is very important. From paying gas bills on time to settling school fees, there are tools that help these tasks get organized. For moms, the challenge is to stick to a particular schedule. Have you been away on something more important? I haven’t read your posts for quite some time.

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