It’s been some months since I last blogged. Yes, I have been busy. There were quite a few transitions I had to go through that ate not just into my time, but into my intellectual reserves as well. Not that I have all that much to spare in the first place, but sometimes you just have to do what you’ve gotta do and that’s it.
Needless to say, it’s been a bit hard for me and I’ve had a rough time coping with it all. It doesn’t really help my pessimistic and depression-prone tendencies at all. That dark cloud has been hanging heavily over me lately. I feel numb and hopeless and lethargic. Right now I’m not seeing any sort of light in my life.
I wish I could sleep and then wake up to find that everything’s better. But I’m too much of a realist to take stock in wishful thinking. So I just languish here in the misery that is my life.